Sports Facilities(Beech/Hendersonville/Portland)

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2917-23A_Athletic Facilities Beech - Addendum #01 330.9 KB
2917-23B Athletic Facilities Hendersonville - Addendum #01 1.8 MB
2917-23C_Athletic Faciliites Portland - Addendum #01 328.8 KB
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2917-23A_Beech Athletic Facility_Addendum #02 6.7 MB
2917-23B_Hendersonville Athletic Facility - Addendum #02 3.6 MB
2917-23C Portland Athletic Facility - Addendum #02 730.7 KB
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2917-23A Beech Athletic Facilities - Addendum #03 6.1 MB
2917-23B Hendersonville Athletic Facilities - Addendum #03 5.3 MB
2917-23C Portland Athletic Facilities - Addendum #03 2.6 MB
Bulletin#1 (click to expand/collapse)
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001_2917-23A_Narrative_Bulletin #1_Beech High School 13.3 KB
001_2917-23B_Narrative_Bulletin #1_Hendersonville High School 13.5 KB
001_2917-23C_Narrative_Bulletin #1_Portland High School 13.5 KB